Professional Web Developer

Requirement-focused and achievable solutions driving through sharped skills and efficiency and bottom-line results. Dynamic and vision-oriented leader of web application development team.

Skilled in all phases of web application development life cycle: Understanding business requirements and simplifying & translating into technical solutions.Aligning in parameters of security constraints, continues integration and time-span for maximum utilisation of  skills of the team. 

Technical skills: Strong background in Core PHP, MySql, Doctrine2 ORM, REST API, Micro-services. In-depth knowledge of Javascript XML and JSON. Linux OS GIT. Good experience of Agile methodology for rapid development.

Project Management Tools which I using: Jira and Redmine.

Frameworks and libraries used: Symfony 3 & 4, CakePHP 3.0, Pimcore, Drupal 8, Codeigniter 3 & 4, Angular, jQuery.

Communication skills: I can evaluate up-to 4 out of 5 through approaches I’ve been and I’m practicing to get best as a responsible key personnel in the direction of reliable aspects. 

Business domains I worked for Health insurance, Hotel booking & Tourism, Web2Print, Real estate, Sports monitoring portal, ESB, E-Commerce and Sales Force Automation

Work Experience: 

Happiest Minds Technologies –  Technical lead
April 2021 – Present 
Key Deliverables : Requirement analysis and solution designing of Product Information Management (PIM) and MDM with PImCore platform. Public portal development with Angular Framework. Co-operating with QA team and Sprints planning and execution.

Fortius Tech Solutions –  Technical lead LAMP stack
April 2015 – Present 
Role : Requirement understanding and analysis and simplifying. Application development flow, development methodology, milestones and task defining. Application modularization and database schema designing. Source control version management, development environment and production environment handling. Teams collaboration of UI development and programming and client communication.

Radixweb – PHP Developer
From December 2011-March 2015
Role: Task understanding and programming as per instructions provided by seniors and following guidelines. Synchronously working with UI design team and development team. Development of custom modules in OnPrintshop product of W2P business domain.

Attune Infocom Pvt. Ltd Ahmedabad- Trainee PHP Developer
From May 2011-December 2011
Role: Creating a small application in core php, jquery and mysql. Developing component in Joomla 1.5 and CMS pages in WordPress 3.0

Sai Management and Educational Services – Ahmedabad
From Nov 2010 – April 2011.
Got training of web application development in HTML, Javascript, PHP and MySQL.

Projects summary:

Global luxury suites
A portal of rental and weekend homes marketing and booking management
Technologies: WordPress 3.0, Elastic Search Framework

Furnished Housing
A portal of rental and weekend homes marketing
Technologies: Yii2 Framework , Elastic Search API, React JS

Bower Retirement Portal
A real estate marketing portal, UK.
Technologies: Core PHP CodeIgniter, MySQL, jQuery, Bootstrap.

Indian Naval Placement Agency
A Government of India Directorate of Ex-Service man Affairs Job Portal
Technologies: Cake PHP MySql, React JS

Unified Shram Suvidha Portal (USSP)
A Government of India Ministry of Labor and Employment.
Technologies: CakePHP, MySql, Twig, jQuery, Bootstrap

Interactive AR
3D Game marketing portal
Technologies: WordPress, Woocommerce.

Hotel Fortune Palace
A Hotel website with booking engine
Technologies: Core PHP MySQL, jQuery

Get Lost Holidays 
A tourism website
Technologies: Core PHP, MySQL, jQuery, Twig Template Engine.

Cedar House Media
E-commerce storefront with HTML5 Designer studio.
Web2Print domain.
Technologies: Core PHP MySQL jQuery, Twig, Twitter’s Bootstrap f/w.

Inkovation visual graphic solutions
E-commerce storefront with HTML5 Designer studio.
Web2Print domain.
Technologies : Core PHP MySQL jQuery, React JS, Twig, Twitter’s Bootstrap

Digitaal Drukwerk
E-commerce storefront with HTML5 Designer studio.
Web2Print domain.
Technologies : Core PHP MySQL jQuery,React JS, Twig, Twitter’s Bootstrap.

GoInk Jet
E-commerce storefront in wordpress
Technologies : WordPress 3.0.

Azimuth Risk Solutions
Insurance business domain for exclusive health insurance and travel insurance.
Technologies : Core PHP, PostgreSQL, jQuery, Bootstrap